So the first of the blog posts on Lenormand Card Meanings starts out aptly with the Card #1

The Rider

card from Maybe Lenormand, Ryan Edwards, US Games Systems Inc.


The Rider, also I have seen it referred to as The Cavalier, Is a fun card to work with.  It has the core or essence meaning of News.  With this essence kept in mind, the keywords most normally associated with this card are;

  • News
  • Visitor
  • Delivery
  • Progress
  • Information
  • Package

I think of this card in terms of the Pony Express as my easy way of remembering all the different keywords.  Now remember from my previous post, this is how I read the card, others I am sure will differ and it is up to you to see what resonates most to you within the Lenormand Card Reading System for each card to determine what works best for your readings.

The type of news, information, delivery, or….. can be determined a few different ways, depending on how you read Lenormand.  Most often you will see it referred to as “look to the surrounding cards to determine……….” and this simply means the cards touching the Rider.  Keep in mind that this is Lenormand, the cards surrounding a card almost always influence the card they touch. An example might be Rider followed by Tree, which I could interpret as a Health Delivery and then my prescription from my mail order pharmacy service arrives in my mailbox that day.

The other way I have seen how the determination is made is using the more “directional” approach to reading.  Simply you said, you look at the direction of a certain part of a card, different for different cards of course, to give you further information.  In the case of the Rider we look to see where the horses nose points to, on Ryan’s Rider card that would be the card to the left. Like the above example just place the Tree to the left of Rider and you can get the same answer.

Is either approach better?  You tell me what works best for you and I will tell you that is what’s best for you.

This card is fairly straight forward to interpret.  Within a Grand Tableau, it can also be interpreted by using the Near/Far (Method of Distance) system or perhaps the House System.  Grand Tableau is something perhaps we will delve into another day, for now let us stick with the cards themselves and perhaps some simple tips or a line of three or such as I proceed through the cards.

Questions?  Feel free to post them here as a comment and I will get to them as quickly as I can.

Always remember to read with wisdom and compassion!

Blessings, Hugh